Electrosmog - an overrated disruptive factor?
An article by Dr Reimar Banis
In this article, I would like to explore a few questions related to electrosmog. How harmful is electrosmog to humans? Could electrosmog potentially act as a co-factor contributing to other forms of harm? Can we enhance patients' resilience to help them better cope with the unavoidable? After all, many sources of electrosmog are inescapable, such as nearby mobile phone masts or our own mobile phones, which are now an almost unavoidable part of our daily lives.
The term "electrosmog" encompasses exposure to mobile phone masts, nearby radio and television transmitters, and interference from other radio and radar systems. Additionally, there is "self-made" electrosmog within the home, generated by cordless phones, wireless internet, and direct contact with various electromagnetic devices.
Safely recognising electrosmog
I typically receive the decisive diagnostic indication of suspected electrosmog when the phosphorus ampoule (at a specific homeopathic potency) reacts during an energetic test procedure. Since this occurs in only about 1-2% of patients, based on my experience, you can see that electrosmog as an isolated issue is relatively uncommon. This observation aligns with feedback from experienced dowsers, who regularly assess homes. In their evaluations, electrosmog alone rarely presents as the sole issue; instead, it is often accompanied by other disturbances such as earth radiation, toxic building materials, and similar factors. When I detect electrosmog in a patient using the aforementioned test ampoule, I recommend a home visit by an experienced dowser who can measure both high- and low-frequency electrosmog levels using specialized equipment.
Frequent electrosmog exposures:
- Large speakers placed close to the head (strong magnetic fields)
- Current-conducting walls with leakage currents from faulty power cables
- Metal beds acting as antennas
- Fuse boxes located on the wall behind the headboard in an adjacent room
- Electrical appliances near the sleeper's head
- Synthetic fibres with electrostatic properties, such as stuffed toys in children's rooms
- Electrically charged desks, or lamps emitting strong radiation near the head, including modern energy-saving lamps, which are biologically disadvantageous
- Nearby railway lines and mobile phone masts
Most problems can be addressed, and electrosmog effectively reduced, by taking appropriate measures such as moving the bed, implementing electrical earthing, replacing certain lamps, and using special shielding solutions. I advise my patients to consult specialists for these tasks, ensuring that the installations are professionally executed and properly inspected afterward.
Masked electrosmog complaints
In my experience, two common health issues are often mistaken for being caused by electrosmog, though they are unrelated but exacerbated by it:
- Nocturnal earth radiation
- Autonomic dysregulation due to unresolved emotional conflicts
Since electrosmog is not felt directly, it is easy to misattribute these problems to it.
Earth radiation in the sleeping area is a significant factor in illness for about one in every three to four patients. Typically, the Geovita test ampoule (from the basic test kit by Rubimed AG) responds to this during an energetic test. The ampoule is either placed in the patient’s hand or introduced into their energy field. Based on experience, a weak kinesiological test often reveals the corresponding stress.
I recommend that these patients consult a reliable dowser who does not attempt to shield against earth radiation. In nearly all cases, the bed is indeed situated within a contaminated zone. Often, the area of maximum geopathic stress aligns with the patient's clinical symptoms, such as segmental geopathic stress in the pelvic region in cases of lower back pain. The most effective solution is to relocate the bed to an interference-free zone. After an adjustment period of 3-4 weeks, the corresponding test ampoule typically no longer reacts during energetic testing.

A second source of stress often mistakenly attributed to electrosmog is unresolved mental conflicts. Many people experience fatigue, irritability, discomfort, nervousness, and tension as a result. They struggle with various symptoms, such as sleep disturbances and muscle tension, which they wrongly attribute to electrosmog exposure. In these cases, it is crucial to identify and eventually resolve the underlying psychological conflicts. Psychosomatic energetics is an effective method for this. Once these conflicts are addressed, typically over the course of a few months, most symptoms that were previously misattributed to electrosmog tend to disappear.
How harmful is electrosmog?
From a naturopathic and medical perspective, it can be said that damage from electrosmog is more likely to be indirect for most people. Electrosmog can disrupt the subtle energy system, potentially leading to long-term negative effects on metabolism. However, very little is known about this, and if there are effects, they are likely to be minimal. Generally, sensitive individuals and children are more adversely affected than less sensitive adults. Experienced dowsers have observed that the bedrooms of children with behavioral disorders and learning difficulties are often heavily electrified. After remediation of these electrosmog-contaminated sleeping areas, along with simple mental hygiene measures – such as avoiding television before bedtime – many complaints have significantly improved or even disappeared.
Generally speaking, electrosmog appears to be a minor health concern. If you maintain a healthy lifestyle, sleep in a neutral bed, and restore or preserve your psycho-energetic harmony through methods such as psychosomatic energetics, autogenic training, yoga, and similar practices, electrosmog typically does not cause significant issues, provided it remains below a certain threshold of intensity and disturbance. However, it is advisable to minimize exposure to electrosmog whenever possible, as there is still too little understanding of its potential long-term effects.
There are the following great sources of good dowsers and further information:
Canada: canadiandowsers.org/professional-dowsers/
USA: americansocietyofdowsers.wildapricot.org/Directory