The image of fear in children and adolescents
An article by Dr. med. Birgitt Holschuh-Lorang

Anxiety in children and adolescents can manifest in various ways. They often report physical symptoms such as headaches, difficulty concentrating, nausea, stomach cramps, or tingling sensations. Typically, these complaints do not have an underlying organic cause, as confirmed by thorough examinations from a pediatrician. Children may also express intense fears or panic without any identifiable real-life triggers. Other common signs include excessive nervousness and inner restlessness, especially during exams, and in more severe cases, school phobia. These symptoms, coupled with concentration difficulties, can significantly impact academic performance.
When children fail to meet their parents' expectations, the internal pressure on them intensifies. Psychological support and homework assistance do not always yield the desired results, often leaving parents feeling overwhelmed.
Practical examples of PSE in application
Case 1: Lena, 12 years
Lena attends an extended secondary school and suffers from extreme anxiety before class tests, which significantly impairs her concentration and leads to poorer academic performance. Despite her mother’s intensive support in studying and preparing for the tests, Lena is unable to break the cycle.
The initial measurement revealed that Lena's emotional resilience was significantly reduced to 60% (with the normal value being 100%). The underlying cause was a conflict in the autonomic center near the heart, corresponding to the 4th chakra – the heart chakra – according to ancient Indian yoga teachings. The blockage stemmed from a repressed 'fear conflict' at the level of trust.
Lena was treated with the remedies Chavita 4 and Emvita 15 for energetic resolution. After three months, her emotional resilience increased to 80%. She was able to concentrate better and remained calmer during class tests. Her academic performance improved so significantly that she was permitted to continue in the secondary section of her school.
Case 2: Viktor, 10 years
Viktor is a physically healthy child who performs well in school. However, he has been experiencing severe panic attacks for several weeks. He expresses extreme anxiety, complains of discomfort in his legs and nausea, and appears very pale. These symptoms have resulted in a pronounced school phobia. Neither at home nor at school an explanation to his symptoms can be, and pediatric psychiatric treatment has been ineffective.
During the initial examination, Viktor's emotional resilience was found to be very low – only 20%. Similar to Lena, the cause was a disruption in energy absorption around the heart chakra. The underlying emotional issue was a panic conflict. Viktor was treated with Chavita 4 and Emvita 16, and he also received Anxiovita to stabilize his anxiety symptoms more quickly.
Six months later, Viktor's follow-up examination revealed an improved emotional resilience score of 60%. He is feeling much better; the physical symptoms have disappeared, and his severe anxiety has also reduced significantly."
These case studies are representative of many others and illustrate the significant impact of subtle energies on our physical well-being and mental health. The causes often lie in deeply hidden, unconscious, and repressed emotional wounds that literally 'siphon off' life energy. This explains why such issues frequently arise without recognizable external triggers.
With the PSE method, these deep-seated causes can be uncovered and treated in a straightforward, side-effect-free manner. For children in particular, PSE serves as an effective tool for promoting health, enabling them to develop their personalities free from anxiety and fully realize their mental and spiritual potential.